Tony Booth,   Johnny Bush,   George Chambers, and  Al Dean

Tony Booth, Johnny Bush, George Chambers, and Al Dean

Amber Digby, Landon Dodd, Dottsy and Ferlin Husky

Amber Digby, Landon Dodd, Dottsy and Ferlin Husky

George Hamilton, Chuck Hancock, Tommy Hooker and Norma Jean

George Hamilton, Chuck Hancock, Tommy Hooker and Norma Jean

Geogrette Jones, Bobby Lewis, Bill Lister and Tayla Lynn

Geogrette Jones, Bobby Lewis, Bill Lister and Tayla Lynn

Darrell McCall, Diane McCall, Guyanne McCall and Mona McCall

Darrell McCall, Diane McCall, Guyanne McCall and Mona McCall

Frankie Miller, Jody Miller, Kimberly Murry and Joe Paul Nichols

Frankie Miller, Jody Miller, Kimberly Murry and Joe Paul Nichols

Rance Norton, Curtis Potter, Bobby Rice and Slim Rinehart

Rance Norton, Curtis Potter, Bobby Rice and Slim Rinehart

Myra Rolen, Doug Stone, Dennis Stoughmatt and Hank Thompson

Myra Rolen, Doug Stone, Dennis Stoughmatt and Hank Thompson

Floyd Tilman, Kaye Tolson, Justin Trevino and Mary Lou Turner

Floyd Tilman, Kaye Tolson, Justin Trevino and Mary Lou Turner

Dallas Wayne

Dallas Wayne

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                                                                           TOTAL AMOUNT TRIP DUE:                $____________________

                                                                                                                          Please mail your check to

                                                                                              Heart of Texas 1701 South Bridge Street Brady, Texas 76825




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